A scrappy life!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Im still here!

Oh boy what a couple of weeks it has been!!! It seems to all be happening at once! Within about 24 hours of each other we found out that both my grans have most probably got cancer! And that my mums mum who is in America staying mwith my aunty is in intensive care. Well since then we have been through it just a bit! My mum treid to get an emergancy visa ten days ago to go to the States as my gran was having critical surgery...of course they wouldnt give it to her the same day that would be just too easy! As a persian passport holder she is subject to a whole load of extra red tape! Still in the American style they were very polite and she has been told sionce then that she will get a visa...we are just waiting now to receive it! The surgery has already been done however without my mum being there. Thank God it went well, we are not out fo the woods yet but we are praying that it will all work out. We still have my other gran to sort. Also my kid sis was told she has IBS today...I mean it doesnt rain but it poors!

I havent been feeling all that together, OCD has been running rampant through my mind and tears seem to be just behind my eyes all the time. Such is life though and I have a lot to be grateful for.

One bit of good news is that I managed to get through Psychometric testing for a clerical job at the Foreign Office....it aint much considering the 7 years it took to get my degree but its a start...I have the interview in August so fingers crossed.

I would request prayers from any pray-ers that read this for my Grans health!


At 5:05 pm, Blogger Kathy said...

Saffa, your family have been in my thoughts since you first told us about your poor Grans. I'll keep sending Get Well wishes their way, and also good wishes for you and your sister and your mum - none of this can be easy for any of you.

Great news about your interview though - I'll keep my fingers crossed for a good result with the FO!

At 11:40 pm, Blogger maggie said...

Saffa you & your family are in my thoughts.I hope they are starting to recover.Also sending get well wishes to your sister i know what she's going through i also have IBS.Fingers are crossed for you


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