In homage of sisters....
My darling mum has been in Iran since september and I am missing her more than anything, she is there looking after my sweet grandma with all her sisters now since Khaleh Manizheh arrived yesterday! It is not so nice having such an international family (especially if you can't stomach flying like me) I have 2 Aunts and they both hale from over the pond, one Canada one the US. I love them dearly so am gutted that I am not with them all! I don't see my Aunties and their families enough!
God willing my mum is back for a month soon...and she will be off again! So in honour of family and sisters I have posted these pics of my mum and her sisters and me and my sisters. I love you women so much. Each one of you is amazing....
Mum you are my rock, my guiding star, my friend my confidant...I know you read this (after I give you the link for the umpteenth time!) I want you to know how much I love you and how blessed I am to have you as my mother! Khoda Hefset koneh!
Maamy Soroor I wish we were all with you to give you kisses and hugs and tease you keep well and listen to your daughters they love you! You have made them what they are and therefore us what we are. I love you and am sending you many many many kisses!
Khaleh Soury, you always give me such a feeling of peace, you are at peace with yourself and you Lord and this spreads to those around you. You are so easy to talk to and so understanding and I can't wait to see you soon!
Khaleh Manizheh..JOOOOOOOOOOOON MY goodness I miss you sooo much I want to cry! Your fun spirit, your advice and listening ear..and you are a great shopping companion! Its been way to long since you were last here!!!
May Allah bless and protect you all! Khoda hefsetoon koneh! Mashallah!
My sisters!!!
Peggah, my elder sis! Love you honey, Im so proud of you and your achievements you are a fab mum and a great listener. You have a cool sense of humour and we can always have a good laugh!! Oh and you give the meanest massages...although as I recall I have not had one in ages..hmmmm. May God grant you every happiness and success that can be had!!
Tas, you are well and truly off your rocker...and a typical younger sibling, but you are the one who will take the pee when I'm feeling sorry for myself and make me laugh! I pray that God fills your life with Love, health, Iman and lots of laughter..
You women inspire me, listen to me, inspire me and console me!!
May Allah bless you all and protect you and bring us altogether in one country SOOOOOOONNNNN
Kises from me xxxxx